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Sony and Honda cooperation... The first Avila car appears in an animated video

The first models of the Afeela automobile brand, which was founded as a collaboration between Honda and Sony, made their music video debut on Sunday, February 26.

Sony and Honda cooperation... A virtual car from Avila appears in an animated video.

The new car from Avila appears in an animated video of one of Korea's biggest virtual pop stars, Apok.

Sony and Honda cooperation

  • The virtual K-pop star's first single of the year, Mood V5, was released, and the virtual car is shown during the song's events.

  • In the video, animated artist "Apoki" shows off the Afeela concept car, which was first unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas earlier this year.

  • Apoki is created by AFUN Interactive, a Korean technology startup.

  • The company says that when it first saw the Afeela concept at its presentation at CES, it resonated with mobility innovation.

  • Therefore, the company began approaching Sony Honda Mobility, the joint venture behind Afeela, to collaborate on the production of the song for the virtual star.

  • For its part, the automaker, Afeela, says in a press release that it acknowledged the creativity of Apoki's character, which prompted it to agree to the partnership.

  • In June 2022, Apoki was ranked as the best virtual influencer in Korea by virtualhumans.org, deeming him as more than just an animator.

  • Meanwhile, Afeela revealed an electric sedan at CES in January, which it says showcases a real car it plans to begin delivering in 2025.

  • While Honda handles the engineering of the car, Sony will be behind its technology.

  • Meanwhile, the technology brand plans to fill the Afeela cars with advanced software and plenty of entertainment options thanks to a screen that stretches across the entire dashboard.
