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Tesla ends 2023 with 2 million car recall!

Recalling two million cars means recalling almost all Tesla cars.

Tesla had a great year for its electric car sales, but it looks like it will end 2023 with a problem...Autopilot technology In her cars.

Which is subject to more regulatory and public scrutiny than ever before these days, so the company issued a recall of two million cars that added more guarantees, especially after the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) investigation.

Tesla ends 2023 by recalling 2 million cars due to Autopilot

Tesla ends 2023 by recalling 2 million cars due to Autopilot

  • This year will end with a major software update recall of more than two million Tesla cars in the United States - which according to the AP is almost all of them.

  • To add some safeguards to Autopilot after a national test, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration investigated.

  • NHTSA has been investigating issues with Autopilot for the past two years. In its safety report on the recall, the agency says that if a driver fails to realize that Autopilot is not engaged or is operating at limited capacity, the result could be unfortunate accidents on the road.

  • In essence, NHTSA says Autopilot's method of ensuring drivers' attention may be inadequate.

NHTSA Statement  on Autopilot in Tesla Vehicles

The recall will be conducted entirely via an Autopilot software update, the safety authority says NHTSA:

“Afffected vehicles will receive an over-the-air software treatment (i.e., without requiring a fix from the firm itself) at no cost to customers; this remedy is anticipated to start rolling out to certain affected vehicles on December 12, 2023, or shortly after.”

The authority added: “With the software release 2023.44.30. The remaining affected vehicles will receive an over-the-air software treatment at a later date. The treatment will include additional controls and alerts to those already in place in the affected vehicles to further encourage the driver to adhere to continued driving responsibility when operating the Autosteer, which includes Keep their hands on the wheel and pay attention to the road."

"Additional controls will depend on the hardware of the vehicle, but they will include things like making visual alerts more prominent on the user interface and making Autosteer easier to engage and disengage," she continued.

Additionally, she said, "When Autosteer is turned on, while using the feature outside of controlled highways, and when approaching traffic controls, there will be additional checks. If the driver repeatedly fails to demonstrate responsibility for continuous and sustained driving while the feature is turned on, there will be a final suspension from using Autosteer.".

Accidents occurred due to Autopilot in Tesla cars

  • Earlier this week, it was released The Washington Post investigated the Autopilot accidents worth reading in full. And some of the accounts and videos he shows are pretty scary. This is the second recall this year of Tesla's automated driving systems.

  • On the one hand, reminders are a good thing; It is always positive when the system works and the problem is fixed.

  • On the other hand, this is just another development in an ongoing battle between Tesla and both state and federal regulators as it pushes the boundaries of automated driving technology more than any other passenger car manufacturer.
