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The reasons for the steering wheel to vibrate when braking... and how to treat the problem?

A large number of drivers face daily on the roads the problem of steering vibration when braking to varying degrees. Some do not know about the problem, others postpone car maintenance and try to solve the problem at another time, while the largest number consider that the problem is not serious and there is no need to fix the malfunction quickly!

In fact, there are many factors that can cause the steering wheel to vibrate when barking continuously. In general, everything that rotates can cause vibrations such as the transmission shaft, gearbox, differential, brakes, and of course the tires.

On the other hand, there are also some fixed pieces that can cause the steering wheel to vibrate when braking if it breaks. Damaged engine bearings, for example, can allow vibrations to travel from the engine to the chassis, as can worn suspension parts.

The reasons for the steering wheel to vibrate when braking

Tires and brakes remain the most common cause of steering vibration when braking and are usually easier to diagnose and cheaper to repair. In this article, we will summarize the information related to the braking process.


  • The car accelerates without jerking, regardless of speed.

  • When the driver removes his foot from the accelerator pedal, the car decelerates without jerking.

  • When the driver hits the brakes, he feels a vibration in the steering wheel and through the pedal.

the reasons:

If the above symptoms match, the problem is most likely in the brake disc.

The brake disc is damaged in two ways:

  1. The wear of the disc from the outside due to the friction of the brake pad against the disc, if the brake pads are unusable or worn out.
  2. Torsion of the disk due to exposure to great heat and then rapid cooling.


  • To address the problem, we first start with a disk preview.

  • If it still contains enough density, it can be repaired by grinding its area on the lathe until it becomes smooth.

  • If it becomes thin, the best solution is to replace the piece with a new one. Because the thin disc becomes vulnerable to temperature fluctuations quickly and may break at any moment, which poses a threat to the driver, passengers, and public safety.

How do we avoid the problem of steering wheel vibration when braking?

  • The brake pads must be changed before the base iron comes into contact with the disc directly. There is usually an indicator in the car that predicts the end of the brake service, and it is a sensor in the brake area that must be changed at every brake change. If this feature is not present, the emergency brake sign lights up at each braking operation, due to an imbalance in the level of brake fluid to compensate for spent brakes.

  • Avoid overheating of the brakes by adopting the deceleration method using engine braking in addition to pressing the brakes.

  • When you go out to wash the car, give the car a little time to cool down before spraying cold water on the brake discs.

Remember that caring for the brakes is concerned with your safety and the safety of the car's passengers, so don't neglect them.
