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Important tips before buying a car as a gift on Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day, occupies the minds of many because of the difficulty of choosing an appropriate gift suitable for a life partner so that it is a direct reason for his happiness, but what if you choose to be a gift this year from Valentine's Day, a car?

In this case, you must choose a suitable car for your partner or partner, because the differences between a man and a woman exist, and each of them has an opinion and a decision. They rarely agree on a unified matter, but perhaps these differences between the sexes create a somewhat beautiful contrast, to complete the partnership with the pleasure of competition. Therefore, it is not It is strange that men and women have different preferences in clothing, decoration, and cars with their models, as well as their colors.

Important tips before buying a car as a gift
Important tips before buying a car as a gift on Valentine's Day

During the next few lines, we will review important tips and the differences between the tastes of men and women when choosing a car, so that the Valentine's Day gift is appropriate.

the price of the car

When buying a car, women consider the price, affordability, and actual power of the car, and men pay attention to the price three times more than women who are happy with the price without compromise.

fuel consumption ratio

Attention to fuel efficiency, safety, and reliability is higher for women than for men.

The country of origin of the vehicle

40% of men prefer to buy luxury European sports cars and SUVs.

Period of thinking about choosing a suitable car

It takes women 75 days to think about the pros and cons of buying a car, while men need 62 days.

Find a car

Women do more research on the best cars and dealerships on the Internet than males

A survey to show differences in the car buying decision

  • Men and women differ in buying trends for any commodity; Great value or small, so how would it be for an expensive car, paradoxes are sure to reach their limit between the sexes.

  • Through a survey conducted by Carbuyer (a website specialized in publishing customer reviews, news, and advice about cars in the British market), the results of which were reported on websites, it was found that “the priorities of car purchase for females are not only beauty and performance, but rather take a more realistic approach by focusing on the economy in Fuel consumption, costs, and actual vehicle power.

  • The survey also found that women have a hand in buying cars, as 50% of men admitted that their wives have a great influence on the decision to buy their cars, and although women are more rational in that, they do not negotiate with the dealer to get the best, while men are more A desire to bargain for the deal of a lifetime, while 20% of women rely on their sense of comfort when buying a car.

  • In this context, Des Viner (General Manager of "Datsun", the Nissan brand in South Africa), said: "The issue of buying cars is a matter for women, as men in South Africa try hard to convince their wives to buy a sports car, but the decision, in the end, is limited to The best car a woman can see fit.

  • "Men in general feel this way, and although women control the treasury, they are less emotional when buying a car," Fenner added.
