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Boston Dynamics: The Next Generation of Robots

Robots are becoming more and more advanced, with some even starting to look and act like humans. In this blog post, we will be taking a look at three of the most advanced robots in the world today: Boston Dynamics’ Atlas robot, Honda’s ASIMO robot, and Da Vinci's surgical robot.

The next generation of robots is being developed by companies such as Boston Dynamics and Asimo. These companies are developing robots that are more human-like in their appearance and behavior. The goal is to create robots that can interact with humans on a more personal level.

This is evident in the development of the da Vinci surgical robot, which is designed to assist surgeons in performing complex procedures. The next generation of robots will be more intelligent, more mobile, and more versatile than ever before.

Inside The Next Generation Robots -Boston Dynamics, Asimo, Da Vinci
Inside The Next Generation Robots -Boston Dynamics, Asimo, Da Vinci

Not long ago on the Jimmy Fallon show was Sophia the humanoid robot who jokingly said she would destroy the human race the talk show stirred up some serious fear in my mind about robots and their uses and capabilities so today Join me as I delve deeper into this topic and discuss all robotics in today's article, I've divided robotics into three categories.

1. Robotic Deftness And Athleticism

  • The Instrumental Deafness, Robotic Deafness, and Innovative Fitness Boston Dynamics kick-starts this list with its Atlas robot a six-foot humanoid the company is currently owned by Hyundai and is risen to be the leader in robotics deafness and athleticism since 1992.

  • Atlas is not only the most athletic humanoid robot out there but it is also equipped with stereo cameras and a Laser Rangefinder for vision designed for search and rescue its abilities include navigating rough terrains and manipulating its habitat Outdoors the robot is so athletic and technologically advanced in its movements that it can do backflips released back in 2013.

  • Atlas was an absolute breakthrough in humanoid robotics as it could use easily walk on snow-covered terrain and uneven surfaces it could also get up when knocked over its movements are so lifelike that many people have speculated that this would be the Prototype that would eventually replace human soldiers on the battlefield but will Atlas replace human soldiers.

  • let's move to a canine-inspired robot again when it comes to robotic deafness another Boston Dynamics robot Takes the Cake The Spot mini is the quietest robot in the world capable of amazing athletic Feats weighing in at just 25 kilograms or 55 pounds this all-electric robot can run jump climb maintain its balance and even open doors in February 2018 a video of spot mini opening the door with its claw did make number one on YouTube's.

  • It was trending list but most of the footage of the spot mini that's available online is the robot performing in its autonomous mode what many people don't know is that it could be controlled by a human as well and in that mode, it is capable of much more than just fancy party tricks it is a serious platform and Boston Dynamics' first commercial robot with actual industrial applications now there's another robot under the Boston Dynamics umbrella whose name personifies robotic deafness is called the handle.

  • Although it looks like the engineers didn't use their creativity when it comes to naming the robot they definitely made an extremely dexterous robot and to top it off gave it Wheels the robot stands at 6.5 feet high and can travel at 9 miles an hour energy the efficient robot also runs on a battery and can travel at a remarkable speed of 15 miles per hour did I mention that the robot can also jump up to four feet high foreign.

  • Let's now move from land-based robots to ones that can swim specifically let's go to robot fish next Yes you heard that right a robot that can mimic the deafness of a fish named Sophie is the recent Innovation on the table, in general, it's estimated that we humans have only explored around 20 percent of our planet's oceans and the life living within them however the deep blues aren't something you should play with and could be extremely dangerous for explorers.

  • The obvious solution to overcome this crisis is to build something which not only has a close resemblance to the ecosystem underneath the waves but can also move definitely in its environment researchers at MIT have now tested Sophie in deep diving conditions and have gathered data from various missions to conclusively say that the robot fish can easily deep dive handle High currents and take high-resolution photos and videos using its fisheye lens.

  • Yes, the pun is not lost on me Robert Katzman the head of this MIT research in computer and Science and artificial intelligence laboratory said to our knowledge this is the first robotic fish that can swim underneath in three dimensions for extended periods we are extremely excited about the possibility of using a system like this to get closer to marine life than humans ever could on their own scientists hope.

  • That Sophie could be the light at the end of the tunnel regarding forever mysteries of oceans and their wildlife sticking with the theme of underwater exploration another Innovative solution to our deep sea exploration problems is the ocean one robot from Stanford it's a humanoid that functions as a robotic diver controlled by a human on the surface the robot is capable of diving into areas that are too hazardous for humans and are likely to be too hazardous for conventional autonomous deep-sea exploration.

Vehicles as well it's specially designed to undertake dangerous Expeditions like exploring shipwrecks and studying deep-sea oceanological activities ocean 1 allows operators to dive virtually and be their physical representation underwater the robot is designed to be highly dexterous and can virtually undertake all actions that a human diver might on top of that it can also deliver haptic feedback to the controllers making the entire experience very realistic well I have now spoken a lot about robotic dexterity.

2. Robotic Utility

Robotic Utility

let's jump into the next category which is robotic utility when it comes to robotic utility Honda's Asimo is the Pioneer in this field Honda has been developing the advanced step in Innovative Mobility or SEMO robots for over 20 years and now they can make sense of their environment via facial and sound recognition and if you thought that was cool the rest of what the robot could do would definitely blow your mind it could understand basic social cues like handshakes pointing and waving making the robot extremely easy to interact.

With they're currently being used as waiters in a fully automated restaurant in Japan interestingly the robot can also detect the movement of multiple objects in its sphere of senses and it can automatically calculate their distance and Direction allowing it to take specific preemptive actions such as avoiding something or moving out of someone's way automatically just imagine the amount of computation that is required to undertake an activity such as this from a robot that's why Asimo gets the top spot in the list of robotic utility but that's not all it has.

The ability to recognize General sounds like objects falling or other loud noises so the chances of sneaking up on it seem to be slim the two cameras that make up its eyes can detect facial expressions and can follow a face or turn its head to a person during a conversation across the board.

A SEMO demonstrates robotic utility as it can perform General tasks like turning on light switches opening doors and carrying objects and pushing carts Honda plans to fully integrate a SEMO into human households in another decade or so now sign me up for the next robot on this list of robotic the utility is a bit different.

It doesn't demonstrate utility in the conventional sense like a SEMO but its utility lies in developing interest in the robotic Sciences among the general population, to be honest, if humanity is to interface with robots moving the development and education out of the labs and into our homes is perhaps the best way to go about.

If I am of course talking about opencast a fascinating low-budget approach to robotics for anybody who wants to learn the basics of Robotics innovator Wong Zhong Lee started the company petty which develops open cat to make these cost-effective but highly sophisticated robot prototypes for anyone to use.

The open cat system is made out of Open Source Technologies allowing users to modify and experiment with their robots completely users can run simulations add or subtract functionalities from their robots and even in some cases totally disassemble them and make something else entirely the team at petty is constantly developing these programmable and highly maneuverable quadruped robots for stem education and even adding AI-enhanced features to them.

The compact design of these robots not only makes them super affordable to the consumer but they can also perform various mammal-like behaviors and react to their surroundings its innovative soft joints reduce wear and shocks and extend the lifetime of the hardware our little buddy.

There are mainly two versions that users can choose from based on their technical competence one uses the Arduino module for real-time programming and sensor integration while there is another more advanced model that runs on a Raspberry Pi module that offers a lot more programming control and customization although not a household name yet like.

The ASIMO open cam team states that the end goal would be to create a little robotic cat Alexa which one can control using their smartphone with an app store from where you can download third-party applications making it a highly sophisticated toy for the 21st century.

3. Robotic Innovation

This robot helps translate surgeons' movements

Finally, we take a look at a robot that in my opinion is at the Forefront of robotic Innovation and demonstrates the possibilities of the field in life-saving applications robotic Innovation The Da Vinci surgical system robot is an invention designed to save lives.

This robot helps translate surgeons' movements into smaller more precise ones Da Vinci's surgeries are so precise as they use tiny instruments inside the patient's body which is a total Game Changer in the field of medicine. 

The most famous surgical robot in the world and its success stories in performing complex surgical operations are the stuff of Legend the robot has two parts a tower where the robotic arm operates and a separate console through which the surgeon controls the robotic arm.

The tower is positioned directly over the person during surgery and is directly equipped with four separate actuated arms three of them have all of the surgical instruments and the fourth one is equipped with a 3D camera on the other end at the console a surgeon manipulates these forearms use a very special joystick that allows the surgeon to use his or her fingers to translate very minute and precise movements.

Da Vinci's surgical instrument all the while viewing the insides of the patient using a stereoscopic monitor you must have already seen this video going viral of a robot doing surgery on a grape yes it was the da Vinci system The Da Vinci.

The is genuinely one of the most Innovative robots out there that is not just experimental but has real-world implications it is currently used for cardiac surgery head and neck surgery and various other sensitive surgeries that were not possible before the Advent of this robot in that regard.

The robot has definitely lived up to its lofty name so there you have it a quick look at all the Next Generation robots out there today which among all these robots was your favorite?

The new era of smart, collaborative robots

  • There is no doubt that collaborative robots are ushering in a new era of manufacturing and service. These smart machines are able to learn from experiences and interact with humans in order to improve their performance.

  • This represents a paradigm shift from traditional methods of keeping workers safe around industrial robots. Cobots are able to work safely and efficiently alongside humans, making them ideal for a variety of applications. With their ability to adapt and learn, collaborative robots are poised to revolutionize the way humans work.

How these new robots are changing manufacturing

The new manufacturing robots are more productive and use less energy to work, making them more efficient, effective, and minimizing the cost of production. The new robots include cobots, which are designed to work with humans, as well as heavy-duty robot arms. Locus Robotics is changing the landscape of manufacturing with RaaS, flexibility, and best-of-breed technologies.

The most beneficial aspect of collaborative robots is their flexibility. In modern car manufacturing, these robots work with humans to give them the ability to work in multiple tasks. This is because the use of robots has made the development and production of many machines and products much safer, more reliable, and more efficient. The high flexibility of robotic equipment allows end users to quickly.

What's driving the development of these robots?

There are two philosophies that are driving research and development in autonomous driving:

  1. series autonomy and parallel autonomy. Parallel autonomy concerns the development of robots that can interact and collaborate with humans.
  2. This is a growing trend in the robotics and AI space, as more and more companies look to develop machines that can perform a broad array of tasks.
  3. The biggest growth area is likely to be in professional services robots (rather than the more traditional industrial robots), including domestic, entertainment, and health care.

How will these robots be used in the future?

Robots are increasingly becoming a staple in our society and are poised to play an even bigger role in the future. In manufacturing, for example, robots are already being used to help companies increase efficiency and productivity. In the home, robots are being used as sweepers and interactive companions. And in public security, robots are being used to patrol areas and provide aid and support.

As robots become more advanced, they will only become more integrated into our lives, changing the way we live and work.

How will the rise of robots impact jobs?

  • The rise of robots will have a significant impact on jobs. The researchers found that for every robot added per 1,000 workers in the U.S., wages decline by 0.42% and the employment-to-population ratio by 0.18 to 0.34%.

  • They estimate that one more robot per thousand workers reduces the nation's employment-to-population ratio by about 0.18 to 0.34%. The researchers find large and robust negative effects of robots on employment and wages.While robots may displace some manual jobs, the impact should not be different than previous waves of automation in factories and other industries.

  • Robots could take over 20 million manufacturing jobs around the world by 2030, economists claimed Wednesday.A new.

What ethical considerations are there with robots?

What ethical considerations are there with robots
What ethical considerations are there with robots?

It is probably fair to say that while robotics systems cause more concerns in the general public, AI systems are more likely to have a bigger impact on our lives in the near future. With that in mind, here are some ethical considerations to keep in mind with robots:First, a company using a service robot should always respect its customers' right to privacy.

As transparency (i.e. disclosure about what, how and why data is collected) is key to gaining and maintaining customer trust, companies should be upfront about how they are using robots and what data they are collecting.In the most extreme cases, robots could harm humans if they hinder robots in performing their tasks. This type of risk can evolve because of software glitches.

What are some potential dangers of robots?

  • Robots can carry out tasks that are dangerous for humans to perform, such as lifting or moving heavy objects, or working with hazardous materials. They can also be exposed to new risks, such as electromagnetic fields, which can cause control errors.

  • The control of hazardous energy (lockout/tagout), which can also restrict unauthorized access, is crucial to minimize risks with industrial robots. Workplace robotics safety is an aspect of occupational safety and health when robots are used in the workplace.

  • This includes traditional industrial robots as well as newer humanoids. Job loss is a potential danger of robots. They are likely to replace human workers in many different professions and in some cases, they may also pose a physical danger to humans.

How can we make sure these robots are safe?

Robots are becoming increasingly prevalent in many workplaces. While they can be very efficient and effective, it is important to make sure they are safe to use.

Employers should create written safety rules for working around robotics. These rules and procedures should be strictly enforced and violations should be met with appropriate disciplinary action. In addition, the proper selection of an effective robotics safety system must be based on hazard analysis of the operation involving a robot.By taking these precautions, we can help ensure that robots are used safely and effectively in the workplace.

That’s all for this post. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the future of robotics, so please leave a comment below. And if you found this post interesting, be sure to share it with your friends and followers!
